Assess popular news items

Rating task

Have fun guessing what others will say

Prediction task

About the Project

In 2019, the Center for Social Media Responsibility launched its first platform metric, the Iffy Quotient, designed to track how well media platforms are limiting the reach of misinformation. The Iffy Quotient relies on publisher-level ratings of entire sites. We would like to get judgments at the level of individual articles, instead. Moreover, we would like to collect the public's judgments about what actions they think the platforms should take: some articles may be harmful enough that they should be removed, while others might have warnings or reduced distribution, and some misinformation may not be harmful to require any action at all. A respresentative jury that assesses individual articles will help us to compute new public metrics, and may eventually influence the actions of Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other platforms.

Metrics for news publishers
Metrics for platforms

Register your interest; we'll send a beta invite once it is live!

Misinformation Jury

An initiative by the Center of Social Media Responsibility at the University of Michigan